Striped T-shirt

Original summer solution


4.25 out of 5
4 reviews

An oversize dark blue, navy T-shirt crafted in wide panels of navy plain-weave fabric and dark transparent fabric. Bold and confident to show a bit body and modest enough to leave some space for fantasy. Fancy and sexy tender look will make paired with heels and slim-fit pants.


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Additional information

ut erat

viverra, et vulputate

lacus lacinia

morbi ac congue mauris


sapien odio

lacinia vel massa

posuere, sodales auctor diam

Fusce eu

dapibus diam

Ut tincidunt

fringilla eros

eget euismod

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Donec dignissim

ullamcorper aliquam

  1. Wow! Cool shirt! Really comfortable to wear even in Summer.

  2. Nice product! Probably the best solution for casual look.

  3. Great shirt. I like the way it can be combined both with jeans and classic trousers.

  4. I definitely like this jacket! It may help in any situation.

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